Saturday, November 28, 2009
muke tue
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009
insomnia,ferenghi,shits and whole lotsa crap
ok,the past week was absolutely ballistic...just for the record ive only sleep trice this week,each period was none over 7 hours..woke up tuesday 11.00am and sleep on 4.00am thursday morning(41 hours)...wake up at 10.30am thursday(6.30 hours),go back to sleep like normal days at 2.00am,n wake up at friday 10.00am(8hours of sleep,n if ur wondering,i do wake up for my subuh prayers,hehe),then only manage to closed my eyes on sunday 4.30am(42.30hours of sleepless,ok yg nie mmg kantoi subuh,ingtkan nak tdo pas subuh tp kantoi,damn)..woke up at 11.ooam the next morning(6.30hours of dreaming) and still awake till now..crazy izennit???
im also having eating disorder,i only ate 1 heavy meal a day,or inadequate consumption of food in not-so-kinda-consistent way..i dont know just what had happend to my body,but i dint feel any discomfort,im not that sleepy nor that hungry either..hmm,pelik2..
ok back to the lighter site..hehe,officialy ive fininshed jammed my heads with books(yeah rite)...
but what i really wana share is last night activity. my friends and i went to the beach for BBQing rite after midnite,at the back of the new hard rock cafe..(ok dont be so happy people,there were no drugs,alcohol,girls,or condoms or nyting,but there are some chicks arrived late,hehe)...well the real purpose of throwing that bbqing,was as a good bye to one of our mate,he wont be with us nymore(damn,whos gonna eat all those pedigree,fark)...
there were this like camp fire(fyi,we only managed to start up the fire 2hours later,although one of them used to be king scout wannabe back in his heyday(cube teke sape,cube teka)..
as we grilled those chicken wings(disaluti dengan pasir pantai batu ferenghi sebagai perasa tambahan),we started talking bout how we feel for each other(fark,this is so fucking gay,haha)..huhu,we talked of how we knew each other and what brings us together(again my ayat gay)...all those bitter sweet memorable memories(damn,another ayat gay and i will shut this blog huhu),on how we use to hate each other and how we still hate each other,haha...TILL awek sapo ntoh mai and ruin EVERYTHING(just kidding)... well actually the girls who came did all the setup,the foods,drinks,plate and eveything...
and my turn to talk dint came T_________T...
and after that all the boys were going kukoo, heard that chipmunks been threw an egg at his forehead(laen kali target kat mata biar kasi masuk dlm sikit mata hangpa tu)..
some of them were chasing each other like in the animal planet(stewpid)...suddenly when we wana TELOR this dude,he was running like usain bolt being chase by another usain bolt,then then then
dude hit some rock and felt in the river.dang,he was lucky to escape with minor injuries,still cant barely able to a result in couple of hours ive to drive this dude to KL and his friend will take over to JB..damn,another day of no sleeping...gtg guys,running late
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
signs of GOD
And indeed, We destroyed generations before you, when they did wrong while their Messengers came to them with clear proofs, but they were not such as to believe! Thus do We requite the people who are Mujrimûn (disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, criminals(13)
"kemudian kami jadikan kamu peganti-peganti(mereka) di muka bumi sesudah mereka, sepaya KAMI memperhatikan bagaimana kamu berbuat"(14)
Then We appointed you viceroys in the earth after them, that We might see how ye behave.
(surah YUNUS)
do we want to be the next people of Noah,Lût,Thamud,Mad-yan, where they been vanished because did not obey God's rule?????
think again my fellow generation
awek jepun
'ko xyah layan la dia tu,ak tgk kat sini dia tu xbtol sgt,kwn dgn budak2 liar'...
(comment ini diberi oleh seorng mamat yg 1 kolej dgn minah nie)
ye ak mengaku yg satu ketika dulu ak nie agak prajudis terhadap perempuan2 yg free hair,sosial,n pkai xbrape sopan.
tp what da heck kan,awek tu dah add ko kat fb ko layan je la kan,cun lak tu..
ak pon layan je la awek yg berketurunan jepun nie
aku ini dulu seorng yg selalu meringik,mengeluh psal masalah aku.satu hari ak tgh berbual2 dgn minah tu,then dia tanya aku
"so apa resolution u skrng?"
setiap kali ada aku cite problems ak msty dia akan tanye ak blk:
-what next for u?
-apa conclusion u?
-u nak bwat mcne skrg?
damn minah nie walaupon ak xknal dia lama or mendalam sgt(ak even xtaw nama btol dia) tp siyesli dia da bnyak kasi impact kat aku.(fark sbb dia da berpunye T.T)
start dr situ sifat prajudis ak telah berubah.
smlm ak YM dgn dia,n dia tnye opinion aku
awek = u blh taw x pmpn tu virgin ke x?
ak = wtf???
dan dia pon mule berbicara psal romeo n juliat
dia tnye pndgn aku, "kalu u tgk pmpn tu ssosial,u rase pmpn tu virgin ke x? or u klau tgk pmpn tu baek pkai tudung labuh tapi da bwat bnde 'ITU' apa pandgan u kat pmpn tu?''
tuff question aite??
ak pon ckp la,
"hmm kalu pmpn tu nmpak liar mmg la orng akan ingt dia tu da xvirgin,but doesnt mean she is,ini nama nye menimbulkan fitnah,kan agama da ajar jgn bwat perkara yg menimbulkan fitnah
yg psal pmpn bertudung tu plak,mmg la i akan pdang serong n she hv to live wifthat.manusia nie bertopeng"(sbnrye cite ini lg pnjg tp ak da pendekan)
awek tu bercerita lg
u taw kat colge i nie,ada sorng mamat tu da tebuk bnyak pmpn,i taw sbb dia kwn i,skng dia ada couple dgn sorng pmpn,pmpn tu baek n pkai tudung labuh n pmpn tu most probarly xtaw yg balak dia tu da x virgin,i nak cakap tp konfem2 la pmpn tu xcaye ckp i sbb laki tu muke dia mmg innocent n dia layan pmpn tu baek,apa u rase i nak bwat"
ak bermonolog dalaman "fark ni da mcm cite nur kaseh KOWT"
aku "weather u like it or not kene la bgtau pmpn tu jgk,andaikate pmpn tu terlanjur u jgk yg akan dapat partially dosa tu sbb u know something bad bout that dude,yet u dint warns to others...apa pandgn pmpn tu kat u tu cite laen yg pntg u da bwat part u"
yes cite2 camnie akan bwat ak rase ak fackup.ak ini walapon sudah hampir mencecah 20 tahun tetapi tidak pernah merasai belain kaseh syg seorng pmpn.laki tu plak senang2 je tebuk 5-6 pmpn.fuck U man.
xyah ckp la cite camnie,bersepah2.ya circle of friends ak pon bukan nye baek sgt,kwn ak ada yg minum depan aku,clubbing,maen pmpn n sampai isap ganja pon ada.apa nak jd dgn budak2 skng ni.even ak pon rase takot
ak paranoid dgn pmpn
cube korng bayangkan pas korng da kawen
"abang sebenarnye i da TAK VIRGIN"
fark,apa korng rase time tu,hahaha..mcm shit kan
ada satu kisah semase ak ingin menyiapkan satu project besar,
mule2 ada 3 orng dari kami dlm sebuah bilik,pastu salah sorng member ak nie kuar,tgl la ak dgn si polan tu.dan pada ketika itu kami tgh berbicara ttg sorng minah nie kene tebuk dgn 6 org housemate balak dia,then tanpa segan silu minah tu bwat muke xmalu dtg colge.
polan = ak takot dowh dunia ni nak kiamat,ak nie bnyk dosa
ak = monolog dalamn (wtf btol la bapok nie)
polan = ak pnah fuck orng
ak = WTF,biler
polan = mase ak f2
ak = damnnn,tp skali je kan ko bwat
polan = banyak kali gak arr
polan = tapi laki pon ak layan jugak
yaaa ak tau si penulis ini wajahnya seperti seorng bintang korea,sampaikan gay pon nak kat depa.sbb tu ak letak topeng GUY FAWKES kalu x lg ramai la dr pembaca2 laki akan bertukar status gay lepas tgk mke si penulis.
dunia ni bnyak sgt masalah
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
abg2 alam flora lg mulia dr mamat wakil rakyat
dlm berite tv3 td ada cite psal 6 orng wakil rakyat kene tuduh songlap duet kerajan.5 orng ex wakil rakyat Bn n sorng current wakil PKR.haaa elok sgt la tu.sume tuduhan sbb hanta paperwork mntak duet tp xbwat apa2
antara tuduhan yg masih ak ingt,mtak duet kate nak bwat jauman hari raya,nak bwat program mesra rakyat.setiap tuduhan total td ada yg kene 8,7,6 tuduhan...yg sekor plak bwat pejadah ntah tp concluson dia,depa songlap rm50K..
total up =rm260k
what next..pas ni depa sume kene trial kat court..brapa bnyak plak keraajan kene spend utk setiap trial..ratus ribu gak brape juta plak,nak rasuah judges lg da brape juta da...korng tgk,last2 jd juta2 duet ilang..
then ada cite psal karam singh walia plak...pekerja alam flora kat putrajaya pg kutip brg2 yg boleh recyle kat tiap2 pejabat kat area putrajaya.statistic indicate lepas depa implement system tu kadar recycle kat putra naek dekat 10%
haaa meh ak bwat conclusion utk korng
apa kata duet juta2 yg da hilang nie kite implement system ni kat sume bndar kat malaysia,duet2 yg ilang tu kita up kan gaji brader2 alam flora nie.brape bnyak kadar recyle akan naik?brape bnyak kite save tapak pelupusan,brapa bnyk kite cut down pollution,brape bnyak duet kite leh generate dr recycle tu,brape bnayk kite leh save mother earth...haaaa korng sume lulus maths upsr kan,g kire brape bnyk kite rugi bape bnyak kite ptt untung..
law abiding citizen

my name is ____ _____bin_____ im a law abiding citizen...
well,just get my ass out from the was AWESOME.a 5 star from me.a story about a dude who piss of the corrupted law(ak pon same) and obliterate city of Philadelphia behind cool is that
this sortofkinda-engineer-dude,mechanical to be precise use all his engineering knowledge in setting up his plan.(maybe depa ada lect dynamics yg terer,haha)
well,im actually a mechanical engineering student and fyi im really really really not so into mechanical.haha,afta i watched this movie...damnnn,mechy is quite cool huh? yeah maybe afta this i can annihilate malaysian constitution with my engineering skills haha(but 1st i must stop mocking my dynamics lecturer)...fark
Sunday, November 1, 2009
ive just discovered the adSense...initially i was moving my hips like yeah~ because well,it give me money...UNFORTUNATELY,i wanted to keep my id as secret as possible,because im not certain what future holds for this blog....
i am planning to criticize us malay and its farking abhorrent leaders...well yes,congratulations malaysia, ur messiah have finally arrived(crap)...hmm,if i add the adSense,i might be able to be caught by those good for nothing ISA...muahahahaha...i out smart u u u farking isa...c there is no use for u to search for my id in the near future,because all my info are false..false i tell u...see,i outsmart u again...muahahaha
ok what do u need to about me
sgt kacak
i am sick and tired of being sick and tired of those corrupted leaders
im on the verge of discovering my self
i maybe be the next salahuddin or the next mustaffa kamel atartuk
i dont know what the future holds for me
i cant see the silver-lining anymore
so,this block might be the embark of what would i might turn into
Alright, a little of emotional start off won’t hurt..haha
ok this pathetic blog name sort of kinda panjang..maybe ill change it afterward
ive just created a blog..yeah..but doesn't fell like
fyi i am having my final exams...this morning my brains went idle in the exam hall for 15 freaking minutes because it triggers an idea to lunch a blog in the MIDDLE OF here i am now blogging...but it doesn't fell that enthusiastic as i thought it would be..sigh..if i wouldn't get an A...i blame this blog and all its soon-to-be- followers